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Women's Shelter

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With a growing number of women and children facing homelessness in Los Angeles, this projects caters to homeless women and children's unique needs. Our project focuses on fostering community for women and children while still maintaining measures of security, safety, and privacy. We use two forms- the curve and the orthogonal to differentiate and establish unique spaces. Curves signify our community spaces. They establish themselves in the women's shared beauty space and the access to the roof that serves as a playground for children. The women get their own space to reflect the largest need for homeless women: for the sharing and support of female hygiene (as a bonding activity and personal need space). Orthogonal openings signify private unit entrances that face away from other entrances and community areas. The goals of this project were to examine the basic needs that homeless shelters traditionally provide families- shelter, protection, and function- and go beyond that by supplementing a strong community dynamic that will prove beneficial to the lives of the inhabitants.  


Initial Massing


Year: Fall 2021

Site: South Central, Los Angeles, CA

Example of single unit

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